Accomplished engineer, tech writer, tech marketeer, and program manager with achievements in the computer industry, manufacturing, and construction.   I distinguish myself with productivity, vibrant communication, and synergistic teamwork.


Expertise Highlights:


Alyson Crabtree - Rhapsody

Roger's enthusiasm for the project, confidence in his team, clarity of direction, and positive but firm communication style made a foundational impact on me as a junior engineer; and, years later, these impressions still shape my expectations of both the fun and the responsibility of software development. If you need a champion who understands both the potential of a product and how to galvanize a team around the cause, look no further than Roger.

Tom Burniece  - DeepTech

I hired Roger into my division where he consistently distinguish himself with passion for his work, perseverance, and excellence. He was a member of the PBU leadership team that developed and delivered the most successful and profitable product we ever had, the RA90, which transformed the competitiveness of the division and the company.  Roger was awarded the company's highest honors for his contributions and we are trusted allies to this day.

Jeff Nicholson - W.D.

Roger's work ethic driving technical standards into the industry is unmatched. He was instrumental in helping start the Storage Network Industry Association (SNIA) and also put forth and drove the early adoption of the the Common Information Model / Storage Management Interface Specification (CIM/SMI-S) into the SNIA as its first "industry standard effort". His tenacity and drive to help the Computer and Storage Industry to work together makes Roger a force for good for everyone involved. It's been my pleasure and honor to work so closely with Roger in these endeavors and everyone can benefit from his expertise and counsel.

Hope Hines - GSK

Roger is an excellent leader and mentor. He is fantastic to work for as you always know he has your back. He clearly states the expectations and priorities for his team which leads to the successful delivery of programs. 

Sean Fitzpatrick - Broadcom

I had the pleasure of working with and for Roger.  During our professional careers he taught many things…sage advice…one stood out more than others. He told me - don't be afraid to take on projects nobody else wants…you'll be rewarded with more knowledge, experience and become a better person. Thank you Roger.

Steve Hand - UKG

I originally met Roger when he was leading an effort at SNIA to manage any storage device by any storage management application. 

Not only is this a significant engineering problem, but also a challenge in producing effective written documents, that are self-explanatory and easily testable. 

Roger contributed to the technical design but also to the authoring of the specification itself. He was acknowledged by SNIA in his success in these contributions. 

Being so inspired by his work, I later joined Roger at Symantec. I would do so again if given the opportunity.